Tutorial with Heike and The Derwent River Project

I had a tutorial with Heike online using google + and its hang out function. It was new and interesting and I can definitely see how it can help now rather than hinder.

I talked to Heike about my work and the troubles I was having with my 360 degree landscapes. I showed her what I had done and how I wasn’t sure it was strong enough. I brought back my video work and asked her if she thought it was something I could continue on with.

She said that although my 360 was interesting she could see where I was coming from. She also said that I should try to see what I could do with my video work but that I was running out of time with the project and that I needed to come to a decision soon. I knew I needed to choose one or the other but I didn’t want to do it just yet.

I’m going to try one more go with each and then decide what I will continue to use and use as a final piece.

I had become a bit stuck for inspiration for my video work and Heike pointed me in the direction of ‘The Derwent River Project’.

The Derwent River Project



The Derwent River Project is a collaberation between two artists, David Stephenson and Martin Walch. It is looking at the Derwent river system and trying to create a new way to experience the landscape by giving the viewer to view the landscape as a full 360 degress. They have done this by using a tiled 4 channel surround video so you can see everything at the same time.

The videos are very interesting and give a perspective I havent seen before. It strengthens my ideas of a continuous landscape. Instead of a still image capturing one part, you are filming, capturing everything around. Instead of landscape photography, Landscape video perhaps.

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