Shoot in the Peak District

I had a mad rush of inspiration this morning and drove into the Peak district to make some pictures. I wasn’t exactly sure what I was going to do or where I was going to go but I got my things together and headed out. I ended up driving around the peak district exploring for about 7 hours. I have drawn a rough map of my journey and took panoramas of where I was as well as some of my 360-degree shots.




Peak District shoot contact sheet


Although I think I learnt a lot from going into the peak district, these pictures aren’t as strong as I’d hoped they would be.

They are incredibly dusty which is entirely my fault. I should have learnt to clean my lens and make sure I am creating clean pictures by now. I find the colour pallet sort of boring as well. I have also bleached out the sky to much. I am having issues when it comes to aperture and light, I am trying to photograph in the middle of the day with long shutter speeds and a lens that can’t get a small enough aperture. I think I need to photograph later in the day as the light is fading so I can capture as much colour detail as I can.

I think I need to expand from this. Possibly going into the peak district wasn’t a good idea and I need to find somewhere else to photograph. I will think this over but it has made me question whether to keep going with the 360 degree pictures.

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