Bike to Uni

After talking to Heike, I decided to keep going with both ideas and see what works out. Preferably I wanted to drive my car from Derby to my home in south oxfordshire and film the journey on either 2 cameras facing out to either side of the car or 4 cameras facing forward and backwards and either side of the car. This si doable but in the time I had I didn’t feel I could do it professionally. I’d need 4 high quality cameras and 4 ways to hold them up and steady in the car whilst I drove home. I insteaded decided to try and keep filming from my iphone. It had good quality video recording (the train video is lowered in quality post production) and can pick up decent sound. I didn’t think walking with it had been such a success so I wanted to keep to wheels just meaning it was a smoother ride. I decided to use a friends bike and see if I could film the journey from A to B on it. To do so I purchased a small gorilla pod with an iphone holding adaption which you can see below.


The journey I decided to film was from my student house to kedleston road campus. I put the phone facing forwards not for an artistic reason but purely I felt it was safer that way by how the stand had been designed. I realise that my work is about the sides of a journey but this first video was primarily for testing the kit.

The video actually begins around the corner from my student house just because I had issues with the phone and stand and ended up beginning it there. So really it is from Junction street to Kedleston campus.


The strange vibrations and distortion is from youtube trying to fix the shake in the video. Im not sure if it adds or takes away from the video but like I said it is mainly a test.

Afterwards I didn’t feel the video was a success. Its interesting, but has been done before and also you can see I spend a lot of time adjusting the phone as it jolts forwards and backwards. I would love to have a GoPro, or something similar, which is built for these sorts of videos. But sadly I just dont have the time or money now and I think I will have to drop this video project. It doesn’t mean I wont pick it up again later. It just means I have postponed it for now.

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