Idea 1 – From a Train

So I’ve taken my first shoot which is always a good start! It was taken on a train from Derby to Leicester and I just thought I would see what I could do with long exposures with the landscape. There are some interesting shots and many failed shots. You have to expect failed shots with something like this. You are working with long exposures and movement which can lead to a lot of trial and error, you are also working with a landscape which is changing very quickly and you dont know what you will be going past next. (unless you know the route which I didn’t).

Photographs from a train

I wanted to simplify the landscape and abstract it so the viewer can’t easily determine what they are looking at. When you are on a train and you look out of the window you can either focus on something for a few seconds before you are past it and it is gone or you can just see a blur as everything rushes by. With these photographs I wanted to capture both these views.

I would keep the camera focused on one object whilst the train went past with about a 2 second exposure. You can see this with the picture of the electricity pilons. Or I would just keep the camera at a 90 degree angle to the window and let it capture whatever went past, getting that feeling of fast movement and loss of detail.

So here is my contact sheet and also some favourite shots from it.

Contact Sheet for Shoot 1

Video from a train

I shot this video on a train from Reading to London Paddington. It was shot by just pressing my iphone up against the window of the train and trying to keep it as level as I could. The original video is about 34 minutes long but I have cut it down to the last 10 minutes because of size issues but also incase so that if I want to use it later it isn’t online for anyone to take. I also have some other videos I shot whilst in London but they do not work as well.

I took inspiration for it from a video for Clock Operas single ‘Belongings’.

The video was directed by Andy West who is actually the guitarist in the band. Ive drawn my inspiration from around 1.30 – 2.20. I love how simple it is but also that by simply mirroring it he has created an amazing look. Almost like a landscape by a crystal clear lake. It gives a very floaty a calm feeling. Works very well with the music.

My Videos

The escalator and walking videos are not as strong for a few reasons. They are not long enough, they are very shaky including many others.

I chose to get rid of the sound with the train journey purely as you can hear myself and friends talking in the background. If I go on to use it later I will probably include some music.

I wanted to show travel and movement with these videos. Looking at how we dont actually acknowledge a lot of our surroundings but just pass them by. It was also a look at perspective. Looking at the world from another angle that you are not used to.


Overall I think they are a success but definitely need a lot of work if they will make it as my final project. There is definitely potential though.

I apologise for the quality of all the videos and the sound.

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