Monthly Archives: October 2012

Landscape and Abstract

So as this is supposed to be a project which is evolving from last years modules I thought I better take some of what I did last year and work from there. Two projects I was pleased with and had never actually explored before were my landscape project and another that delved into the abstract. Both were areas I never thought I would get into but in the end really enjoyed and completed with some success. From them I will continue to try them separately but I am thinking about ways I could unite them also.


Made in response to one of our first modules in my first year at uni. (Vis 1: The Camera). We were told to only photograph in Markeaton Street Campus and we had the whole term to complete the project. These are some pictures from my experimentations during the project as well as some finals.


Made in response to our module on advanced processes when we had to focus on landscape. Before the project I had no interest in landscape photography but since I have seen it in a new light. These pictures were all taken at Markeaton Park.

Adobe are being difficult…

So the other day I said I was going to begin getting some work on here but there has been a bump in the road. An adobe shaped bump. I recently changed laptops and with that I moved photoshop to this one. To cut a long story short, I can’t use photoshop at the moment and therefore I cant watermark my work as I would like to. People have been saying I dont need to but I dont want to be putting my work out there for the world and then if it gets moved around there wont be anything to link it back to me.

So thats the issue at the moment. Im going to try and come up with a quick solution for now but when I have sorted this photoshop issue out everything should start moving a lot smoother.

Thank you for your patience!


Explanation and understanding

Right, right, right, right, right….. (spent way to long deciding how many rights to use)

I think I’m supposed to be flooding this blog with ideas and work to spark my mind and begin showing the world what kind of photographer I am. So far there has hardly been a trickle, but I have my reasons and I am going to bore you with them now.

I have been scared/lost/confused as to what goes where and when I should be throwing things down in which place for which person etc etc. So I’ve given up trying to separate everything in my head and I’m just going to start slapping things down and moving them about if necessary. I also dont really no what kind of photographer I am or want to be! So I’m going to just try as much as I can and then start dismissing the things that I find myself losing interest and motivation in.

I must also warn you that things at the moment wont be in chronological order or any real order for that matter but I’m pretty sure things will start coming together a bit later. So I’m basically going to be taking everything out of my head and throwing it on the table just to spread it out so I will be able to get a proper look at it all. So good luck reader and hopefully everything will work out.

Now are you sitting comfortably?……………Then I’ll begin.

In the beginning…


This is the first post of my first blog on wordpress. Exciting stuff! So this blog is called ‘Finding Your Place’ which is the title of a module I have been given for my second year at University. I’ll try not to waffle on but all you need to know is that I am adventuring into uncharted territory here with all this blogging, so if you do continue to read on with my blog (tough luck markers/lecturers, you have to) then bear with me. I’m sure I’ll get the hang of it sooner or later.

Now, I better get started…